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T. rex’s Powerful long tail - Was it's key to speed and hunting prowess

Washington: A graduate student at the University of Alberta has found that Tyrannosaurus rex’s powerful tail muscles made the giant carnivore one of the fastest moving hunters of its time. Earlier, researchers believed that T. rex was a plodding Cretaceous era scavenger whose long tail only served to counterbalance the up-front weight of its freakishly big head.

Scott Persons said, “contrary to earlier theories, T. rex had more than just junk in its trunk.” The U of A paleontology student began his research by comparing the tails of modern-day reptiles like crocodiles and Komodo dragons to T.rex’s tail.

Persons found for that all animals in his study, the biggest muscles in the tail are attached to upper leg bones. These caudofemoralis muscles provide the power stroke allowing fast forward movement. But Persons found T.rex had one crucial difference in its tail structure. The tails of both T.rex and modern animals are given their shape and strength by rib bones attached to the vertebrae.

Persons found that the ribs in the tail of T. rex are located much higher on the tail. That leaves much more room along the lower end of the tail for the caudofemoralis muscles to bulk-up and expand. Without rib bones to limit the size of the caudofemoralis muscles, they became a robust power-plant enabling T.rex to run.

Persons extensive measurements of T.rex bones and computer modeling shows previous estimates of the muscle mass in the dinosaur’s tall were underestimated by as much as 45 per cent. As for an T. rex’s exact speed, researchers say that is hard to measure, but Persons says it could likely run down any other animal in its ecosystem.source(ANI)

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